Mergers and acquisitions

PwC will assist you throughout the whole transaction process in all of the aspects of the deal necessary to deliver expected results.

Mergers and acquisitions are complex, multi-stage processes – professional support enables to maximize the value for the client and to mitigate potential risk. PwC team has extensive M&A experience in executing deals.

From the day we start cooperation, we provide you with complete transaction management in a tailored manner to fit your needs:

  • Our approach will allow to maximize the number of potential investors / targets and improve the competitiveness and business terms of the potential transaction;
  • We will prepare professional transaction documentation necessary for optimizing the price and conditions of the transaction; 
  • PwC will coordinate cooperation during due diligence to minimize the risk of outflow of information about the process; 
  • We will assist you in negotiations as well as assess and inform you of the impact of negotiated business terms on the value of your transaction and of the risks involved.
group of people shaking hands

Our services

Do you need to raise finance to reinvest into your growth strategies? Or maybe improve productivity by selling off a non-performing asset or product?

We can help. Leverage from our:

  • years of experience to guide you through the process and identify where value can be captured

  • industry-specific teams that know the key triggers to maximise your opportunity

  • international network that helps you find the right buyer or investor

  • access to specialists with deep knowledge of regulations governing publicly listed companies
  • debt and capital restructuring know-how

Looking for your next investment? Or potentially expanding into a new market through an acquisition?

We can help. Leverage from our:

  • years of experience to guide you through the process and identify where value can be captured in the target and compliment your portfolio

  • industry-specific teams that know the key triggers to maximise your opportunity

  • international network that helps you find the right target / investment  

  • access to specialists with deep knowledge of regulations governing publicly listed companies
  • debt and capital restructuring know how

Are you a member of a management team of a business undergoing a buyout or transaction?

We can help with:

  • independent advice throughout the transaction, helping to safeguard your financial interests

  • modelling of your investment returns under the proposed deal structure

  • benchmarking of the commercial and financial elements of the deal terms proposed by the buyer of the business

  • negotiation of the nature and structure of the commercial and financial deal terms

If you are a General Partner or other Financial Sponsor

We can advise you on:

  • Fundraising
  • Marketing strategy
  • Project management
  • Materials preparation
  • Fund positioning
  • Fund terms
  • Secondary transactions

Do you need help to identify deal targets, maybe in a new market?

Leverage from our global network with local knowledge and relations to:

  • Create large international investment ideas

  • Create multiple touch points with listed and unlisted corporates

  • Develop a market entry strategy for a new geography

Creating value beyond the deal

Increased disruption, industry convergence, technological change and the need to shift to new business models to stay competitive means that value creation in deals has never been more important.

We surveyed over 600 global corporate executives to uncover how they create value through M&A. Those who genuinely prioritise value creation early on – rather than assume it will happen as a natural consequence of the actions they take as the transaction proceeds – have a better track record of maximising value in a deal.

What if you took a different perspective to your M&A?

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Contact us

Dinu Bumbăcea

Dinu Bumbăcea

Country Managing Partner and Advisory Leader, PwC Romania

George Ureche

George Ureche

Partner, Advisory Services, PwC Romania

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