Business Coaching Diploma

Successfully run in PwC since 2014, the programme was initially aimed at senior PwC leaders and has later open to our clients. Other countries where the programme is available: Poland, Mongolia, Croatia and Serbia.

Business Coaching Diploma is a Level 1 Programme.
Please scroll to see further details:

Consisting in 150 hours approved by International Coach Federation (ICF) as Approved Coach Specific Training Hours Level 1, the programme has also been awarded with the European Quality Award (EQA) on Practitioner level issued by the European Mentoring & Coaching Council (EMCC).  

The Business Coaching Diploma is mainly aimed at Senior Leaders and HR Professionals who wish to become internal coaches and develop a coaching culture in their organisation. The programme is suitable for coaches that want to pursue an accreditation process for Associate Certified Coach (ACC).

”Business Coaching Diploma is an inspiring course, opening new perspectives, arousing curiosity and motivation for change. We work in small groups to provide participants with time and attention. Our trainers are enthusiasts, experts with many years of coaching and business practice. I cordially invite you to a course where, according to our graduates, nothing looks the same.”

Joanna Kucharczyk-Capiga, course leader

Programme structure

The aim of this programme is to provide essential knowledge and coaching skills, enabling you to engage in the practice of a professional coach, as well as in leading teams and business, through a strong coaching leadership style.

Business Coaching Diploma is a comprehensive course consisting of:

  • 15 interactive workshop days using coaching techniques and tools
  • Mentoring / supervision
  • Practical coaching sessions in pairs
  • Observed coaching sessions
  • Coaching session with a professional coach
  • Final exam (2 days of live coaching sessions)

The workshop part of the course is diverse in terms of the learning methods, i.e. interactive lecture, discussion, demonstrations of various coaching tools, exercises in pairs, case studies, role-play, group supervision/mentoring.

Small groups of up to 12 participants.

Before admission, participants are invited to a meeting with the course leader.

Programme dates

Module     Edition 12             Edition 13               Edition 14 Edition 15
Mindset 23 - 24.02.2024  20 - 21.09.2024 21 - 22.02.2025 19 - 20.09.2025
Module 1 14 - 16.03.2024 10 - 12.10.2024    13 - 15.03.2025 16 - 18.10.2025
Module 2 11 - 13.04.2024 07 - 09.11.2024 24 - 26.04.2025 13 - 15.11.2025
Module 3 16 - 18.05.2024 05 - 07.12.2024 22 - 24.05.2025 11 - 13.12.2025
Module 4 06 - 08.06.2024 16 - 18.01.2025 12 - 14.06.2025 15 - 17.01.2026
Exam  11 - 12.07.2024 13 - 14.02.2025 10 - 11.07.2025 05 - 06.02.2026

Programme description

Coaching mindset and experiencing change: beliefs, values, opportunities.

Building the coaching relationship Setting goals in coaching

Designing the future Communication in coaching Balance of resources

Releasing & exceeding one’s potential Innovation & additional tools

Building a satisfying relationship as the source of success Releasing internal motivation

Date to be confirmed

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Our vision with this programme is to contribute to building coaching cultures within organisations. As the internal coaching trend is emerging, we aim to significantly support Senior Leaders and HR professionals to go through this transformational journey.

And this is our approach:

Coaching is about a systemic approach to the Client, having in mind their environment, business challenges, level of motivation, values and expected results.

A coaching relationship ensures confidential, Client-oriented form of cooperation.

The Coach knows that the Clients themselves are the best source of inspiration and solutions, which they reach in the course of the coaching session.

Who are our trainers?

Our international trainers are experts with many years of coaching and business experience, holding top accreditations from the International Coaching Federation (PCC and MCC level).

Joanna joined PwC in May 2011 as the CEE Head of Coaching Practice. Before that, since 2006 she has been working as a Coach, and since 1996 as HR Manager/Director, HR Business Partner, CEE Talent Leader, Trainer and Senior Consultant in many international corporations including such business sectors like: advertising at J. Water Thompson, consulting – Arthur Andersen, pharmaceutics – Sanofi/Aventis, IT – Xerox and for last two years she was leading her private Coaching & Consulting business. She has been dealing with people development and talent management for about 15 years.

Being a MCC Coach she specializes in executive systemic coaching, going through change (new role etc.), leadership development, career coaching as well as burn-out and managing conflict.

In the area of coaching Joanna graduated Coactive coaching at CTI, Team Coaching & Team diagnostic in USA (having a license for the tool). She is a licensed trainer delivering Coaching Clinic CoachU and completed the first level of Solution Focused Brief Therapy.

She is ICF Accredited Coach (MCC) and a member of local and International ICF organization. She is also doing trial exam session for ICF coaches accreditation and coaching supervisions both individual and group. Leading required by ICF mentoring programs for coaches before their accreditation exam.

Approach to coaching

As a coach I have a motto “don’t ever doubt that you are able to achieve whatever you will dream for yourself”. I am an “enabler” for my clients being supportive, empowering and encouraging, as well as challenging at the same time. In coaching I am using both coactive approach and aiming towards finding the essence of what is the most important for my client. In coaching I am “dancing with a client” in order to be always on the client agenda. I believe that this is the client who is naturally resourceful and whole and all I need to do as a Coach is bring this up to light through coaching.

Chosen certificates, diplomas, qualifications

  • International Coach Federation Master Certified Coach
  • Master Facilitator
  • Harvard Leadership Program
  • Team Coaching Diagnostic license
  • Coactive Coaching, CTI
  • Solution Focused Brief Therapy (1st level training)
  • Coaching Clinic Program license for training delivery

Joanna is an Executive Coach and Trainer of Individuals and Teams. She is an engineer by profession and ICF Member.

Joanna spent 10 years in a corporation working on different positions in Retail and Operations. She implemented and supervised HSSE standards, took care of internal communication in strategic projects, dealt with credit control and customer service. Joanna participated with enthusiasm in Change Management processes: change of organisation culture, behaviours, corporate values, motivation systems and working habits. As a Customer Service Manager she supported and coached employees in a change process of centralisation in Customer Service Unit.

She has cooperated with many companies i.e.: BP Polska, ING Nationale Nederlanden, Hydro Aluminium Chrzanów, PARP, Grupa Pracuj, Working Councils, Coca- Cola, Cap Gemini, DHL, Glaxo Smithkline, Tesco, Tetra Pak, Veolia, Jansen Cilag, Mattel, PKP, VW Bank, T-Mobile, Teva Operations, Beckers, Mondial. She has led coaching classes at Economic University, Tischner University and School of Banking and Administration in Kraków. She also created a mind changing programme for small business entrepreneurs on leadership, responsibility, communication and co-operation, and successfully delivered it to 300 people.

She is the co-author of the program and the trainer in Polska Szkoła Coachingu in Katowice and Polish School of Teamcoaching led together with Beata Rycembel, PCC. Joanna is an assessor for ICF (International Coach Federation), mentoring coaches to be and preparing for certification on ACC and PCC levels. In 2012 she was Director of Kraków ICF Chapter.

Approach to coaching

”I have been passionate about self-development, training and coaching for years. I believe there are no limits to what the clients can achieve and who they can become. Passion and willingness to act are the keys to their success. I admire leaders whose leadership is based on authenticity and inner strength.
I am convinced that being natural and true in the long run may benefit way more than clever manipulation in achieving desired goals.”

Chosen certificates, diplomas, qualifications

  • International Coach Federation Master Certified Coach
  • Accreditation CTI (CPCC)
  • Authorised Facilitator of Team Diagnostic Assessment method, Team Coaching International (TCI)
  • Licensed Transforming Communication Trainer
  • Coaching Academy – Gdańskie Wydawnictwo Pedagogiczne
  • Course Co-active Coaching organised The Coaches Training Institute (CTI)
  • Relationship Coaching Course Organisational Relationship System Coaching (ORSC)  
  • Transformational Coaching and Leadership (Center for Transformational Presence)
  • Co-active Leadership Program, The Coaches Training Institute w San Francisco
Zana Goic

Zana is an executive leadership coach, team coach and training facilitator. She is also a leadership game changer, a status quo challenger and a personal growth embracer. Zana has been trained with internationally recognised coaching and leadership development schools and is PCC accredited by the International Coaching Federation (ICF).

Prior to moving into executive coaching and leadership development, Zana spent 10 years working in petroleum and pharmaceutical companies. Most of her corporate experience comes from a regional oil and gas industry where she held a position of a corporate communications director. 

After leaving the corporate world in 2012, she founded a Bold Leadership Culture - an executive coaching and leadership development company operating internationally.

Zana is all about developing consciously bold leaders ready to live and lead from a place of integrity. She equals personal growth with success, firmly believing that when leaders break through their illusions of knowing and safety into fully honouring their own authenticity and integrity, they can truly lead their organisations into purposeful achievement. Her life-long mission is to cultivate bolder individual and collective leadership within organisations in service of creating a way more sustainable and meaningful world.

Zana is passionate about holding deep and vulnerable leadership conversations in which she helps leaders face their own truth in a self-aware manner and take a stand for what matters most from the place of an authentic bold leadership. In order to facilitate the paradigm shift for leaders and their teams, she brings hard-loving truth, depth, wisdom and accountability.

Zana is a fascinated explorer of adult development and how it impacts leadership; she is a life-long learner and feels most alive surrounded by books and immersed in deep conversations. 

Areas of focus include: 1:1 coaching for middle to top managers | Leadership Development for leaders of all levels | Executive Team Coaching | Leading and facilitating leadership development programmes in organisations | Virtual training & coaching for groups | Teaching coaching skills in organisations | Developing and delivering Experiential Learning Workshops |

Wisdom Words: “There is no safe way to be great, and, there is no great way to be safe. Leadership is inherently risky.” So, the only true leadership path is the one of courage and boldness. The questions is - why wanting to be safe, when you can be great? 


Relevant Training:

  • Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC), CTI - Co-Active Training Institute
  • Co-Active Leadership Programme Graduate, CTI – Co-Active Training Institute
  • ICF Professional Certified Coach (PCC), ICF – International Coach Federation
  • Organisation and Relationship Systems Certified Coach (ORSCC), CRR Global
  • The Leadership Circle Profile Certified Practitioner (individual and collective leadership assessments), TLC - The Leadership Circle
  • Immunity to Change Facilitator’s Workshop - Minds at Work 
  • Authorised facilitator of Team Diagnostic Model Assessments (Team Diagnostic, Team Leader View, Team 360° View, Organisation View), TCI – Team Coaching International
  • ICF Continuing Coach Education (CCE) Programmes: Coaching from Source; The Art of Developmental Coaching; Coaching and Emotions; Coaches Going Corporate 

Michał had been working in the radio bussines for 15 years – he gained there an experience not only as a journalist, but also as a manager. 1990 – 2001  he worked in RMF FM as a host of highly popular morning show; then he created as program director the Golden Oldies Radio and RMF Classic. Recruitment, training and managing the DJ's and newsroom team, everyday monitoring, coaching and mentoring  were among his everyday duties. 

In 2005 he started his work as a trainer in the areas of communication, teamwork, team and change management, leadership. In 2008 he found his own training company Team & Personal, in 2010- 2013, together with his wife Joanna was a leader of the Academy Of Managing Skills – the program addressed to entrepreneurs. At the same time he kept improving as a coach; he works with clients from 2008 – now he reached the amount of 900 hours of coaching. 

Michał works both in corporate and administration/school field as an individual and team coach.  He also leads personal development workshops for middle and high management – he delivered big projects for  BZ WBK (70 people), Adamed (120 people), Shell Shared Services (80 people), Wojewódzki Urząd Pracy (100 people), entrepreneurs form Małopolska i Świętokrzyskie (300 people). 

Michał is often invited by Universities to share his knowledge and skills with students (Collegium Civitas, Tischner European University, The School of Banking and Management, Łodź University) in the areas of team coaching and coaching identity. 

Approach to coaching

”I enjoy looking at things widely – my view of the World is that everything has some importance, everything is interconnected and every situation has a lot of shades and aspects. I invite my clients to significant changes in their perspective of seeing themselves and the challenges they face. As a client you can always count on my mindfulness, full presence and total acceptance. Having the skill to build the relationships in a very natural way, I am an open person, who eagerly trusts people. My predispositions for coaching are supported by my TOP5 natural strengths according to Gallup StregthsFinder™: Adaptability, Developer, Relator, Maximizer, Connectedness.

Chosen certificates, diplomas, qualification

  • Leadership Development Intensive – The Scherer Leadership Center
  • Coaching Essentials – Coaching Center
  • Team Coaching Diagnostic – Team Coaching International
  • Organisational Relationship System Coaching (ORSC) - Center For Right Relationship
  • Extended DISC Certification Training
  • The Art and Science Of Coaching- Erickson College
  • The School Of Emotional Intelligence - GT Mentor
  • Making The Difference; group dynamics OPUS Consulting
  • Group Dynamics – Prof. Lionel Stapley Masterclass
  • Introduction To Compassion in Psychology and Psychotherapy – The Mind Institute
  • The Daring Way – vulnerability, shame and courage in relationships, The Daring Greatly Europe
  • Soul Mission, Life Vision – Stitching Seale
  • Transformational Presence Coaching & Leadership
Piotr Rękawik

For the last 12 years Piotr have been professionally engaged into training and coaching. He works with people who occupy various positions in many different organizations and supports them in their development and strengthen their leadership skills. 

He is also the founder of a small training company Artwork Group which was established in 2011. Piotr's areas of expertise are leadership programs, communication skills, presentation skills, negotiations skills, stress management, coaching.

Beside the business background I work as psychotherapist in Gestalt stream of psychotherapy.


  • 2017  - current:  IIPG (Institute of Integral Gestalt Psychotherapy) in Krakow.
  • 2015: CoachWise, coaching school. Coaching Equipped (Warsaw).
  • 2011: Grupa Trop, school for business trainers (Warsaw).
  • 2000: MA, AST National Academy of Theatre Arts in Krakow.


Mihai is an Executive Coach, Trainer and Entrepreneur. He sat on the Board of ICF and he is certified as PCC.

Engineer at the base, Mihai has over 10 years of experience in managing teams, organizations and communities. He activated in sales, marketing and HR serving multiple industries and covering public, private and NGO sectors. He led the Training & Talent Departments for a large utilities multinational where he designed award winning leadership programs and overviewed several transformation programs, the last one inspiring the book “Dare – Behind the scenes of the best business transformation project in the world”.

He is now Managing Partner in a training and coaching community delivering custom learning programs for the corporate world and co-founded a career transformation journey for individuals searching for more impact and meaning in their workplaces. 

He graduated from one of the top 10 Executive MBAs in the World at ESCP Europe where he is now one of the selected coaches for their cohorts. He delivers coaching internationally through multiple platforms and works on three mains categories: executive, entrepreneurship and career coaching.

Mihai started his work with the entrepreneur’s world in the Government analyzing SMEs policies and then led a private, EU funded incubator with 36 financed start-ups (2.4 MEur). He then started advising, coaching and mentoring various founders as part of the Startarium and Future Makers communities.

His mission in life is EDUCATION so he is volunteering in this area. He sits on the board of AVE, a leading educational NGO working with teacher and school principals towards schools’ transformation. Also, he stands as advisor and educational partner for the Entrepreneurship Academy.


Approach to coaching

”I have personally had some breakthrough transformations and shifted values and belief systems along the way here and I truly believe in the power of coaching. I let myself guided by two main mottos: “That who has a strong why to live by, can bare any how” and “if you believe you can or if you believe you cannot, you are right”. For me, the role of the coach is to hold the space and increase awareness through this process as for the clients to find their best possible answers and embarque on massive actions on the path they are choosing.”


Chosen certificates, diplomas, qualifications

  • International Coach Federation – PCC level
  • Executive MBA Graduate & Phd Scholar
  • Emergenetics International Certified Trainer & Facilitator
  • Game Changer Index Certified Trainer & Facilitator
  • Neuromindfulness Coaching Certification
  • Positive Intelligence Coach Certification by Shirzad Chamine, Stanford
  • Authorized Trainer
  • NLP and Hypnosis Practitioner  
  • Yoga Teacher (TTC) 
Mihai Zant ICF PCC  PwC Academy
Denisa Panaite Casu PwC's Academy Manager

Career overview

With 20 years of experience in corporate learning consultancy and over 10 years as a leader, she has worked with C-Level executives, elaborated learning and development strategies for over 5,000 employees and was involved in implementing many large scale change management & leadership projects.

Since 2017, Denisa leads PwC’s Academy in Romania and has also started her coaching journey. After attending Business Coaching Diploma in Poland in 2018, she decided to contribute to the development of professional coaching in Romania and successfully launched the programme in Romania in 2019.

Part of the executive coaches’ team in PwC and co-facilitator in several flagship leadership programmes of PwC’s Academy: Business Coaching Diploma, Team Coaching at the Top, Mini MBA, Leading with Emotional Intelligence, Driving team innovation, etc.

Passionate about innovation and technology, she constantly seeks ways to enable her training or coaching clients to support implementation of learning in a sustainable manner.

Also a Mental Fitness coach, through her work, she aims to build skills that support people in the long term, both in their professional and personal lives.

Approach to coaching

Denisa focuses on creating the psychological safety that her clients need in order to freely explore new perspectives; with that foundation, she adapts to the client

whether they need cheerleading or to be challenged, whether they need to build their courage in small steps or they are ready for deeper self reflection and brave actions.

She believes every single one of her clients is creative, resourceful and whole and approaches them with curiosity, to find out what is their own best solution for whatever it is they are facing.

Her aim is to support coaching clients to make lasting change and to become autonomous in their self-reflection, decision making and actions.

Chosen certificates, diplomas, qualifications

2023 - Team Coaching Lab, PwC's Academy
2023 - Transformational Presence Leadership & Coach Training (TPLC) 
2022 - Business Coaching Diploma Advanced
2021 - 2022 - Advanced Positive Intelligence (PQ) Coach
2020 - Genos EI Practitioner (EI Assessments, training & coaching)
2018 - 2019 - CIPD Associate (Level 5 Certificate in HR Management)
2018 - Business Coaching Diploma (TTT) with PwC’s Academy
2018 - Points of You (Coaching Cards) Practitioner
2017 - ICF Accredited Coaching Certification programme - One to Coach
2014 - 2015 - Human Resources Management – ExecEdu
2010 - SDI Facilitator
2004 - 2008 – Psychology University graduate (Titu Maiorescu, Bucharest)
2001 - 2002 – CIM Certificate /Chartered Institute of Marketing

Careeer overview

Ana joined PwC in 2018 as Senior Communication Consultant and Learning Designer. For the past 16 years she was involved in marcomm and training for several companies in Romania in business sectors like: public relations consulting, banking, retail, IT. She loves development and believes that learning is a long life journey.

After working with a coach as a client, she joined Business Coaching Diploma in 2019, starting her official education in coaching. Now she works with clients from around the world being specialized in career, saboteurs, communication, burnout and managing conflicts. Ana holds a Genos EI Practitioner diploma and facilitates workshops on Emotional Intelligence for global leaders and managers .  

Ana is part of the PwC Resilience Coaches that offered support to our colleagues during the pandemic, is an executive coach and support coach in the internal Leadership Programmes. 

As an ICF Professional Certified Coach (PCC), EMCC Senior Practitioner Coach Mentor and a board member in the local EMCC organization she volunteers in order for people to discover the benefits of coaching and to bring them closer to this tool of self-development. Ana is one of our local co-hosts of the Business Coaching Diploma where she supports the participants throughout their journey in the programme. Ana is working on executive level with clients from Poland, Serbia, Australia, UK, Lithuania, Kazakhstan, India, US, Norway, Hong Kong or Singapore. 

Ana is passionate about team dynamics and the role that healthy conflicts can play in the development of a team. With years of leadership in different volunteering organisations she facilitated group coaching and team growth from the perspective of a facilitator, she is now using her experience as a team coach. 

Approach to coaching

Her motto in coaching is ”Honor the space between no longer and not yet!” since that is where your magic of development happens.”My clients say about me that I am empathic and creative while I ask hard questions, and that comes for a place where I offer my clients the space to let their creativity and empathy show up as support for achieving their goals! I do believe that the client is naturally born creative and whole and just needs the place to discover that his or her agenda is the most important in the conversation.” 

Chosen certificates, diplomas, qualifications

  • International Coach Federation Professional Certified Coach
  • European Mentoring and Coaching Council Senior Practitioner 
  • Certified Journal Therapy Coach
  • International Coaching Federation PCC Marker Assessor
  • Team Coaching Lab
  • How to coach with NLP, NLP School
  • Genos Emotional Intelligence EI Practitioner (EI Assessments, training and coaching)
  • Business Coaching Diploma Advanced
  • Positive Intelligence PQ Coach
  • Business Coaching Diploma




Ana M. Marin

Programme investment:   
- standard registration 4,150 EUR + VAT ( 3700 Eur- training delivery & exam + 450 Eur - 3 mentoring hours)
early bird registration 3,780 EUR + VAT (10% discount on the training delivery fee = 3,330 EUR + 450 eur for the 3 mentoring hours - applicable for registrations with up to 6 weeks in advance of the training start)

”PWC's programme was the greatest gift, received at the perfect moment, an inspiring journey that brought new behaviors, courage and opened new perspectives in both personal and professional life.
It was an intense and overall enriching experience, complete with amazing tools, skills and insights that I find essential for enhancing my leadership abilities.”
Roxana Barbato - Senior Director - Banking Industry 

”The decision to follow this school was one of the best in my life. It was a transformational experience on so many levels.
If you want an International Coaching Certification this is a complete one. It is a platform of styles and thinking schools that will change you mindset and life.”
Mihai Zant - Entrepreneur & Executive Coach

”When I signed up for this program I was aiming for a better understanding of coaching principles and techniques. Little I knew that it will turnout into an amazing six months journey that would enrich and transform my professional and personal life in so many ways. Getting to know great fellow peers and mentors and learning about what is possible through business coaching is a privilege and a huge opportunity for those looking beyond obvious and fixed frameworks. This is truly a transformational program that will unlock one’s potential for growth and personal development while supporting others in fulfilling their own goals and dreams. It's simply beautiful!”
Andreea Câtu - Regional Manager Central Europe


”I joined “BCD” with the curiosity of a novice “Career Coach” with a couple of ideas about coaching. At first, I thought it would help me become an Agile Coach, since agility is one of my passions. However, after the first module, it was clear that this is not just a training that should enhance your coaching skills.
This program is transforming the participants at the deepest levels. If I were to look at me entering the program and now, after I graduate, I can say that not only I am a better coach, but a better colleague, a better leader, a better husband, a better dad, a better person altogether.”
Narcis Paslaru – Development Consultant, Scrum Master, Career Coach


”My coaching journey started with a powerful question that changed my perspective: <what would you be without this belief?>. It took me two days to find the answer, but after that... the sky was the limit! I changed several habits, my communication approach and started to work on my self-development. That was the moment when I knew I wanted to become a coach! To be able to support others in their journey to potential!
Each new tool, each increased or develop skill, and each exercise meant to work our coach mindset where there to be gathered, during this amazing programme. The practical sessions, the mentoring parts and the experience of being a coach offered me trust in my abilities to support others in their journey, to hold a safe space for them to experience and reach for their dreams. 
The programme, the trainers and the participants made me a better person, both on a professional and on a personal level! It was a transformational journey!”
Ana M. Marin - Senior Communication Consultant, Mentor and Coach


”BCD is a program that successfully meets its standards and that exceeded my expectations, in connection with the organization of the program and the value I received! It is a complete, complex and very well structured program and thought out in the finest details! The trainers are simply amazing, having thousand of coaching hours of experience, and it is an experience in itself to work and attend their live coaching sessions! You don't even realize how, from one session to another, you become more and more attentive, more aware, more present, and that each coaching session, technique learned and applied, interaction with colleagues and trainers, gradually transforms you into a professional and valuable coach.

The greatest value I gained in this course is the awareness and ability to be 100% present and to really listen to the person in front of me, which really transformed my personal and professional relationships! I trust and wholeheartedly recommend each of my BCD colleagues, knowing what a strong foundation of learning and ethics we have acquired, and experiencing the transformation of each of us into coaches who can make an extraordinary impact in their organization and in the lives of those around”
Isabela Popa - Coach



”Attending BCD programme was one of the best decisions I took for my soul. This experience enriched me in so many ways.  I learned to support others in their journey to achieve the best performance and to fulfill their goals. In addition I also learned to unlearn many things. 
The BCD programme is great: very good trainers with lot of experience and willing to share it, many coaching instruments, mentoring, plenty hours of practice and a very cool community. I really love to be part of it.
After this transformational experience I can say about myself with all the conviction and trust that I am a professional coach.
BCD team makes all this possible and I congratulate them for their work and for the ability to creat and maintain active the BCD coaching community.
I would add that BCD is not a  programme that has an end, it is the start of a beautiful coaching journey where you will never feel alone.”
Raluca Andreea Popa, PhD - Associate Professor at Bucharest University of Economic Studies (ASE) and Senior Researcher


”I've wanted to take coaching training for more than two years, and in all this time, I always felt none of the trainings I found online were for me until I learned about the BCD. It was the best decision I could have taken. Right now, I have a coaching practice, and the best thing that happened was that this course gave me the knowledge and the skills I needed to start a coaching practice, but it also gave me the confidence that I could do it.”
Alexandra Negulescu - Yoga Teacher, Founder Yoga Programme, Empowerment Coach


”In life, choices are meant to be a result of own will. For me coaching started with literally a gift – a birthday gift from my better half. I didn’t even know what it was and woke up in the first module. As I said then, without even knowing how it will feel at the end, it was an awakening experience not just a course. The program trainers that molded us like a doe, we wouldn’t even dare to think we are in every module, they were our sparring partner, mentor, teacher, coach, best friend. Credit goes to the “Colonel” of the cohort, thank you Denisa for steering us “gently”, and to our group of musketeers that made the whole period an experience with everything that you can think: laughing, crying, sadness, happiness, love, limiting believes, prejudice, jokes, drinks. So, long story short, if you want a revealing experience that will break you into pieces, then provide you with means to put you back, and some very small requirements be vulnerable, be true, be honest, then invest time and you will be provided with a life changing experience at least for yourself. BCD will provide you with all the above and be prepared, it is not easy. Bonus: you gain a handful of very caring people, one of them being Ana M., as coaches are often called the “professional friend :)”. At the final exam of BCD, we felt not at the end of a course but like we have been handed the keys to an undiscovered realm.”
Doru Paducel - Business Coach


”BCD has been one of the most profound and amazing experiences in my personal development so far. I graduated in July 2021 and the memory is still vivid. 
I love this coaching program because it provides a balanced amount of theoretical knowledge and practice, and it teaches a variety of coaching methods developed by different schools of thought. I dare use Lucian Blaga’s metaphor about the universe and the onion layers – each module unravels something new about yourself and those around you. Thus, for me this school was never boring, and I enjoyed the path not being stuck with just one coaching model.
Another advantage was having access to outside clients provided by PwC Academy in addition to practicing within our working group.
The facilitators are professionals (at PCC and MCC level, from Croatia and Poland) who create a safe environment for everyone to interact and feel free to experience their authentic self.
Based on these three strong points (the variety of coaching methods, the access to clients and the highly experienced facilitators), I fully recommend this coaching program.”
Iolanda Humă - Make-up artist


”I'm glad to have discovered my colleagues who were there being curious and open and we discovered together so many tools. Some are fun, some are very profound tools touching deeper levels where we get in contact with our emotions and they start speaking to us. Our own limiting beliefs start to shake and we get out from our own way. 
I have witnessed how in the coaching process people get in touch with their inner wisdom and find answers to very pragmatic questions we all have in every day life. Some find answers to big questions of life. There's so much meaning for me in being the guide of others in this process.
Coaching got me closer to who I am. After each coaching session I feel energized and enthusiastic about the impact I can bring in my world. So I want more 😊
I will put in service of others my presence, intuition and good will. And I promise to listen on all levels – mind, heart and gut.” 
Ilinca Brânzei - Key Account Manager and Business Coach

”Our knowledge and learning come from the experiences we live and the challenges we deal with. Last year was a crucial moment in my life, as I started the official entrepreneurial journey with many challenges, triggers and emotions.
I love using structures, models and tools. And I love to learn from the best coaches and trainers. I knew it was time to foster my personal and professional growth to serve myself and my clients better. And that was the trigger to start the Business Coaching Diploma program at PwC's Academy last year in September.
And now, I am more than happy to share this picture from the graduation party. For me, it was a fantastic journey about how to become a real coach, a sneak pick about what bold leadership looks like and what ICF's high standards of professional coaching mean in practice.
Adding the coach hat too to my professional journey, I am more than grateful to use that knowledge and work to create impactful and amazing experiences for my clients.” 
Cristina Irod - Design Thinking Facilitator, Coach


”I started the program with my notebook ready to take notes and learn all the tools 📒. Structured by nature, my expectation was to have at the end of the program, instruments ready to use for any topic or situation my client may bring. And yes, during the learning sessions I discovered and practiced plenty of models, explained by the best coaches and trainers, together with great colleagues that inspired me at all levels. 💡 After BCD journey I need to say that it’s more than that.  I am reading now my motivation shared at the beginning of the program: “help my clients achieve their goals”- because it’s all about action and results, right? Makes me smile now 😊. I remember how much pressure I was feeling at the beginning of my first sessions because of that. But slowly, between ICF standards and each module coaching theory, in a space of authenticity and vulnerability created by everyone involved, I learned that sometimes, the most important is just to be present for your client and listen. Business Coaching Diploma is more than a certification that brings professional growth, it’s about personal development and practice. Now I am more that happy to use my discovered superpower, BOLD PRESENCE, in my pragmatic type of coaching and create impactful experiences for my clients, to find the answers they need to move forward professionally and personally with clarity and purpose. Thank you Joanna Maria Zawada, Zana Goic Petricevic, Joanna Antkiewicz, Piotr Rękawik, Mihai ZANT, Denisa Panaite Casu, and to my amazing colleagues for the transformational journey.”
Raluca Dumitru - HR Manager


”When I started the Business Coaching Diploma training, my motivation was to get the necessary skills to support people in bringing up to light their authentic selves, and to feel courageous to be who they are at all times.
Now after the end of the training, I realized that the biggest value that this program has offered me was also to help me bring up to light my own authenticity & courage as a coach. To understand that for being able to hold the space for others to be authentic & courageous, I have to first be that myself - and that involved a lot of unlearning whom I taught myself to be, in order to come back home to who I am.”
Cosmina Matei - Learning & Coaching Business Partner


”Coming from a business and consulting background I enjoyed the structure of the program, the fact that we were given the tools and needed skills to start a career in coaching. One of the most important aspects for me was that the training prepared us with everything needed to get started right away and practice what we learned. The international trainers combined with the diversity of the group made the experience even more enriching for me. I felt that I have been changing myself while being on this journey and now I feel ready to hold the mirror for others to be a better version of themselves.”
Silvana Gagu - Entrepreneur & Business Coach


"<<All's well that ends well>> - that's how I was taught to think as a kid. After the coaching course with PWC Academy I could say that "All is well when you move to the next level in your personal evolution".
The warmth that caught me by surprise was the best thing for me to learn and deepen into this lifestyle. For me, what happened in this course was mind shifting and brought me a new lifestyle. I have new perspectives when I look at myself, my evolution, at others, I interact better with others and I connect with them at a higher level. I am very grateful for the people in the PWC Academy (teachers, facilitators, trainees, colleagues, etc) - from everyone I learned a lot and I even learned to be grateful to myself. Through coaching you get to your truth (both when you are a client and when you are a coach). Being a coach gives me the fulfilment that I have always craved for. PWC Academy really made this a reality!”


Simona Ștefănescu, Business and Mental Fitness Coach


”BCD is a journey of self-discovery, a mirror of thousands perspectives and the enabler to find your inspiration.

For me, the coaching process started as a curiosity, an opportunity and a challenge. BCD proved to be an excellence choice in my journey. I have learned from the best coaches, coming from different countries, which really makes the difference when you are working in a multicultural environment. Each coach used his super powers to help us train our brain muscles. Now, I can apply all the valuable tools and knowledge with my own clients from different countries. I’m grateful for being part of the BCD program and I’m enjoying the ride.”


Ana-Maria Anghel, Communication, Trainer, Talent Transformation

BCD was one of the most eye-opening programs I ever attended. I registered for the program because it came with high recommendations from people I trusted and valued as coaches, but I didn't quite expect it to have such a fundamental impact on the way I view and how I interact with the world. Apart from the well-structured theory classes, the extensive coaching practice, and mentorship from great coaches, I experienced a fundamental mindset shift that changed the way I work, lead, parent and pretty much interact with everyone around me, including myself. I definitely recommend BCD to any person who aspires or considers to become a coach. I found it to be a wonderful stepping stone in my coaching career. But I equally recommend it to executives, managers and team leads, entrepreneurs, parents or anyone who just wants to learn more about themselves.


Anda Reuter - strategy consultant & coach, venture capital 

“Business Coaching Diploma is a life changing course” – this is what my colleagues that completed this course told me and I can totally agree. This was one of the best training sessions I have had recently. Nowadays, I believe any business leader or aspiring future leader should master coaching skills. I chose this program because I wanted to be a better people-oriented leader. I gained in the end much more. I improved my personal awareness, mindfulness, and well-being. I learned how to be more connected to other people (my team, my clients, but also in my private life). In conclusion, this course was a mind opening experience that allowed me to have a better vision of my life and my future perspectives and aspirations. Many thanks for the tutors, organizers and my colleagues during this course that made this an exceptional experience!

Ala Popa - Senior Manager, PwC

BCD was one of the experiences I will never forget. I loved having the opportunity to learn from highly experienced trainers, I learned so much from the demos that the trainers did for us, I think that this method is very valuable for developing the practical coaching skills. I have high expectations when it comes to trainings and this course fully met them. Besides the great trainers, together with the awesome team I was a part of, we dived into many coaching tools that I wasn't aware of, I hadn't read of and which I took with me to use as a future coach. Thank you Ana, Zana, Joanna, Denisa for being so open, so willing to pass your knowledge and for being such an inspiration! 

Claudia Mezdrea - Business Advisor, Mentor and Coach


The Business Coaching diploma is an unprecedented journey – an intensive learning experience with experienced coaches but also a meaningful connection with future professionals. Mixing theoretical content with in depth coaching practice, the program is a complete development experience, converting skeptical followers in committed believers. 

Adriana Record - Executive Director, Business Association 

Contact us

Denisa Panaite Casu

PwC's Academy Manager, PwC Romania

Tel: +40 720 028 359

Nela Unal

Senior Client Relationship, PwC Romania

Tel: +40 720 028 270

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