Reinventing the business for the future

PwC Global CEO Survey 2023 – Key findings for Romania

The perception of CEOs in Romania:


Current tensions in the business environment are dramatically influencing CEOs’ optimism about the outlook for the global economy and national economies, as well as about the ability of their own organisations to generate growing revenues.  

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How do you believe economic growth will change over the next 12 months in your country?

Macroeconomic conditions that have deteriorated significantly in many countries around the world recently, with inflation reaching levels not seen in decades and heightened geopolitical uncertainty, are increasingly causing CEOs to rethink their companies’ contingency plans and resilience strategies. Transforming organisations for the future can only be achieved effectively if potential obstacles in the race to consolidate and prosper businesses in the short term are overcome. 

The balance that CEOs want to achieve, between the need to optimise current operations and creating a strategy to reinvent the business for the future, cannot be achieved if the organisation loses the struggle for talent or delays strategic transactions.

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Many CEOs have doubts about the economic viability of their organisations in ten years’ time under current conditions. They foresee multiple possible challenges to the profitability of the industries in which they operate. For several years now, business leaders have been fully aware of the need for companies to change and are also thinking about the strategies they need to do so.

CEOs try to balance the agenda between the present and the future. Thus, they are concerned about striking a balance in terms of the time and resources they are willing to invest, between coordinating current operations and reinventing the business for the future. It is also becoming increasingly important to transform the role of leadership, as company directors need to delegate operational duties and empower their own leadership team to prepare for change together.  

To provide our country’s business community with useful information on current opportunities and a look ahead, we invited some of Romania’s most prominent business leaders to share some of their strategic actions in the face of the challenges they face. Thus, during March 2023, we asked them to answer two questions, namely: What measures have you taken or are you preparing to take to face the challenges and risks that threaten the global and local economy? What motivates you to remain optimistic about the future of your company and the local economy in the coming years? We invite you to read some of their priorities and the actions they will be taking in the coming period:

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Dinu Bumbăcea

Dinu Bumbăcea

Partner, Advisory Leader, PwC Romania

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