Saratoga 2019

Human Capital Effectiveness

Productivity increased

The human capital return on investment increased from 1.35 two years ago, to 1.54 in 2019, as a result of both increased consumption and internal optimizations with the help of technology.

Resignation rate by generation in 2019

Almost one third (32.3%) of the individuals who left on their own initiative in 2019 had less than a year in the company, a share higher by 7.3 percentage points than in 2017.

About 60% of those who have voluntarily left belong to generation Z (born after 1995).

Generation Z


Generation Z

(born between 1995-2012)

Generation Y


Generation Y

(born between 1977-1994)

Generation X


Generation X

(born between 1966-1976)

The average tenure of employees in a company is of 4 years, the most stable being the Y generation or Millenials (born between 1977 and 1994), which in fact represents majority of employees (over 60%) within the analyzed companies.

 Learning investment

Another important trend is the amount allocated for training and development programs, which increased by 30% compared to 2017.

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About PwC Saratoga Romania 2019

The PwC Saratoga Romania 2019 study presents exhaustive data on human capital markers based on information collected from 23 companies coming four economic sectors (pharmaceuticals, industrial production, retail and banking). The Saratoga study is based on a global methodology developed by the PwC Saratoga Institute.

Contact us

Oana Munteanu

Oana Munteanu

Director, Workforce Services Leaders, PwC Romania

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