Forensic Investigations and Compliance

The fraud risk is inherent to any organization. The proper management of the fraud risk involves a mix of preventive, detective, and correction measures, all three equally important.

Fraud is a complex and sensitive matter. It is preferable to prevent it, but fraud risk cannot be reduced to zero. When it happens, it cannot be ignored and needs to be properly addresses in terms of investigations and corrective measures taken.

The investigation of fraud, corruption and other economic crimes, particularly where the integrity of senior management is called into question, requires a thorough, professional and independent approach.

Our team of trained investigators includes forensic accountants, lawyers, former regulators, former law enforcement agents, forensic technology and corporate intelligence experts.

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Forensic Services

Our services

Investigations and fact findings

The trigger of the investigations could be, among others, whistleblowers allegations, suspicions and/or regulatory enquiries.

Our forensic accountants help companies with investigation procedures and fact findings using a mix of procedures such as: a) interviews; b) data analytics; c) documents reviews; d) computer forensics; e) background checks.

We are helping clients to identify relevant facts, evidence and information in relation to:

  • Allegations or red flags of misappropriation of assets, fraudulent reporting, corruption, rules breaches, unethical behaviors, various incidents and compliance topics

The procedures conducted and the key findings are documented in forensic reports

  • Matters that are the subject of regulatory investigations or enquiries.

As part of our assistance we help clients: a) to structure and present the information in an easy and concise manner; b) to analyze and address the matters documented in the expert reports issued as part of the investigation; c) to present and explain to the legal counsel key relevant information; d) to analyze specific matters and identify potential red flags

Compliance reviews and other related assistance

Romanian companies owned and/or controlled by US, UK or French companies and/or individuals need to comply with anti-corruption regulations from US (FCPA), UK (UK Bribery) or France (SAPIN II).

In this context, the companies design and implement controls and systems to ensure compliance with such regulations (ex. code of ethics, recruitment policies, background checks, whistleblowing systems, procurement and payments policies, etc) and they ask our assistance with regular checks of the adequacy and effectiveness of such controls and systems. Such checks are also performed as part of due diligence conducted in the context of a merger or acquisition.

We are helping clients with:

  • FCPA, UK Bribery, SAPIN II compliance reviews and identify potential gaps
  • Contracts compliance reviews (ex. check of fulfillment of specific contractual commitments)
  • Integrity background checks on individuals and companies

As part of such engagements, we identify potential areas for improvement and propose recommendations to address such areas.

Antifraud and anticorruption related assistance

We are helping clients:

  • To assess, implement or optimize anti-fraud and anti-corruption controls and systems
  • To obtain the ISO 37001 (anti bribery) certification
  • With assistance in implementing whistleblowing systems
  • With training on anti-fraud and anti-corruption topics

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